Monday 26 March 2012



Salam to all...please to be enlighten that i'm not an expert in this topic, but i would like to share a little bit of my knowledge regarding this topic which is Online Tertiary  Learning....

What is E-learning and it's scope?

E-Learning is where by the learning process is facilitate and enhance by using technology such as:

  • internet
  • intranet/extranet
  • audio or video tape
  • satellite TV
  • CD-ROM
it can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of :

  • text
  • image
  • animation 
  • streaming video
  • audio

E-Learning include online learning, virtual learning, distribute learning, network and web-base learning. This activities is carried out by individuals or groups through e-mail, online chat, forum also video conferencing.

E-Learning in Malaysia..

Nowadays E-Learning is used widely in Malaysia institution such as University Utara Malaysia, Open University Malaysia and others as their web-application that provide announcement, document, module and etc for staff and student.